Thursday 24 February 2011

GOOD CHURCH DESIGN!? -Church of the Light, Tadao Ando

Design needs to be appropriate.
Design needs to have meaning.

THEREFORE, we as designers need to fully understand the proposed use for a building, before we begin to design.

I feel that 'Church of the Light' -designed by Tadeo Ando is an excellent example of appropriate design.  

The interior space of the church is controlled by light.  Light enters the church through a cruciform cut in the concrete wall that extends vertically from floor to ceiling and horizontally from wall to wall, aligning perfectly with the joints in the concrete.

The interior space
The exterior space

Concrete Stairs within the interior

The front of the church

Not only is the use of the 'cruciform' symbolic of Christ, but light is symbolic of God.  This design therefore creates something simple, yet powerful within the interior space.  The cruciform shape on the front of the church provides an abstract and unique form of light as it appears to be 'floating' on the concrete wall.  It's rays extend depending on the position of sun in the sky, symbolising the presence of God.

The simplicity of the design, is it's beauty.

1 comment:

  1. Love this design! I really like the cruciform light inlet.. it makes me belive that it symbolizes how Jesus is the light of the world. Illuminating all for those who believe in Him.

    Just a thought..
